A Reputable Mold Remediation Service Can Effectively Remove the Mold From Your Home

If you have seen visible mold growth in your home or have recently had a mold inspection that uncovered a mold problem, mold remediation is the best course of action moving forward. Mold remediation specialists can effectively remove the mold from your home, making your home safe again for you and your family.

While there are many projects around the home that are excellent candidates for a DIY job, mold remediation is not one of them. There are many intricacies regarding mold removal, and there is an abundance of misinformation about how to best deal with the issue. At Peek Mold Control, we are a trusted mold remediation service, and we use a high-quality mold neutralizer after we have assessed and removed the affected materials. Mold can pose health risks to your family, and making sure to remove all the mold on your property is important for your health and preventing a recurrence.

Our team specializes in mold remediation, and we will take all of the proper steps to resolve your issue. We begin by using advanced mold detection techniques to ensure we find all of the mold on your property. We will then address the cause of the problem, dehumidify the area, remove the affected materials, and neutralize the mold. With all of our mold remediation services, we offer a 5-year, transferable warranty, so you can be assured that we stand behind the effectiveness of our work.

If you are looking for quality mold remediation services in the Lawrenceville, Georgia area, reach out to us. We offer free on-site estimates and strive to deliver exceptional customer service to each client. We understand that this can be a stressful experience, and we will do everything we can to remedy your situation. Give us a call today to schedule with our friendly, professional team!